Monday, April 12, 2010

Life is a struggle

“When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths."

You know who said these things? Arnold Schwarzenegger. Really? The Governator? I think that we ALL have made fun of him at one time or another. I mean really. Who HASN’T said, “I’ll be baack.” OR “It’s not a tooomer.”

But when I was looking up quotes on how life is a struggle, there were the first ones that came up. I guess we all have forgotten what an accomplished body builder he was. Maybe because it’s too easy to make fun of him??

But really, life IS a struggle. And there are days when I just don’t have any fight in me. Days when the pain of life (either literally or figuratively) is just too much. And I know that I am not alone. I have friends that struggle just like I do. I see status updates on Facebook about how life is a constant disappointment and about how people want the sadness or pain to end.

I learned on Sunday Scripture that tells me again that I am God’s treasured possession. But you know what? Sometimes I don’t feel too treasured. When I see my children hurting, when I crash my car into little old ladies, when I see my bank balance going the wrong way, when I have so much physical pain I can’t think. . . I don’t feel very treasured.

But guess what? I AM. I am a beloved child of the King. He has paid my ransom. My treasure is in heaven. My God knows the number of hairs on my head. The Holy Spirit of God lives IN ME. I am not alone.

So when I tend to dwell of the struggles of life, I know that I need to not surrender. I need to stay strong. I need to keep my faith in the One who has plans not to harm me but to prosper me.

After all, He will be baack!!!!!

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