Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Will Rise

I had to work today, for my 2nd job, and it was in a town almost 2 hours away. As I was returning home, I was listening to the Chris Tomlin CD “Hello Love.” The number 5 track is “I Will Rise.” I am sure that most of you have heard it before. It is one of my favorites. But today, as I was singing and thinking about it, I came to realize a couple of things. #1 I am sure that the other drivers on the road think I’m nuts, driving along, singing at the top of my lungs, with my hand waiving in the air! #2 It is possible to have such severe “goose bumps” that it is almost painful. #3 I am particularly drawn to the parts of this song that feature the piano (and I know my friends Daina and Lezlie will get this part).

But #4, I came to realize some things about myself. The Lord has given me a heart filled with love for His people and eyes to see their pain. I have known since I was around 3 years old that I wanted to be a nurse. That is just how God MADE me. But being a nurse is not a JOB for me. It’s part of who I am. And part of the reason I am good at this (and this is not boasting on my part ~ the Lord has done this) is that I really do feel what other people feel. Some people might see this as a negative, and I might actually hurt a little more because of it, but this a GIFT that the Lord has given me. And because of this, the joys I feel in life seem more joyous.

But back to the song. I was thinking of the day when I will rise when He calls my name and I will feel no more sorrow and no more pain. I will rise on eagles’ wings, and before my God I will fall on my knees. . .

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