Thursday, July 15, 2010

McKenna is 7!!!!!!!

On this day, seven years ago, the heavens opened up, and the Lord rained down this seemingly tiny blessing into my life.

At 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and just 17 ½ inches long, it was a little bitty blessing, to the naked eye, but oh, the Lord was smiling on me that day!

I sometimes find it hard to put into words what McKenna Loree’ means to me. When you look at her, obviously, you see this GORGEOUS child.

If you take a minute, you notice this sparkle in her eye.

And if you spend more than just a couple of minutes with her, you’ll notice quite a bit of SASS, too!

You see, I think that the Lord knew that she was going to have a little bit of a rough road in life; so He made her beautiful and He gave her SPUNK!

I believe that, like all children, she is beloved to Him. But I also think that, maybe, just maybe, our God has something special in mind for our Miss McKenna.

I am often fascinated by watching McKenna grow up. She is a wonderful mixture of the best of Barre’ and me. She has her Daddy’s practical manner, his inquisitive nature, his fondness for exercise, and his love of spicy food.

From me she gets her sweet heart, her love of animals, her quirky sense of humor, and her love of sunflower seeds!

She can sit and watch two hours of “Cities of the Underworld” on the History Channel or two hours of “House Hunters” on HGTV.

And then you can throw into the mix the fact that her sister Bethany has helped raise her.

McKenna has always spent time with older kids. From Bethany she has learned to quote monologs from “Dot,” how to play “Rock Band,” all the words to a million songs, and the importance of knowing how to time a joke.

She loves her brother Dax and her sister Yani so very much.

McKenna comes from a long line of family that loves their Nanny and Papa.  And she is no different. 

In the end, we are left with a 30 year old seven year old!! She is an amazing mixture of sweetness and maturity, vulnerability and toughness.

She is my sweet Angel Baby,

And man, oh man, I love her. . .


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