Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Here’s what I have to say about BLOGS. . .

I currently have 19 blogs that I follow. I really don’t know if that’s a lot or a little. Four of these are what I call “professional” blogs like Beth Moore or “My Husband is Annoying®.” Then there are 5 that belong to people that I don’t even know. For an example, I follow this amazingly cute little pug name Ronin who, by the way, just had a birthday. I follow a couple of little people blogs, just to “get inside the head” of other LP moms. Then there are the remaining 10 that are people that I know. Some of them write amazingly insightful things that they hear from the Lord; others just ramble on about what is going on in their lives.

When I started MY blog back in March, I decided that I would not do the “Well, today I went to the MALL” kind of posts. I decided that I would write about things that the Lord lay on my heart; things that I felt were meaningful. I have done around 20 posts so far, ranging from the extremely serious one on domestic violence to ones that deal with my walk with my Lord to tributes to people in my family that I love. I don’t have a set day of the week I post. I just do it when I feel like God has something to say through me.

And one of the things that I said I wouldn’t do when I started this was be an ABSENT BLOGGER. Oh, you know what I mean. Of those 19 people I mentioned, only 8 of them have posted in the last month. Two of them haven’t even posted in the last SIX months. One hasn’t even posted in over a YEAR.

But guess what? Life DOES happen. Marriage gets hard, kids go into crisis, health issues arise, work overwhelms, money troubles threaten to envelop you. And you kind of go into this “survival” mode, where you just prioritize, and you ONLY do the things in life that ABSOLUTLEY HAVE to get done.

This is where I have been. Where I AM, really.

And so this is why I haven’t posted in so long. I’ve just been trying to GET BY.

So I’ve learned that the GRACE that my LORD gives me each day, that I take so freely, needs to be given just as freely, to the people I love, to the people I meet in stores, and to the people who start blogs and then just don’t keep them up.


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