Thursday, December 23, 2010

Where do YOU hide?

Anne Frank hid in an attic to escape from the Nazis. Mr. Beaver went underground to hide from the White Witch in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” Jonah went to sea to hide from the Lord. I, personally, hide in my bedroom, lying in my bed.

Now I know you’re thinking that this is not a very good place to hide, and you are probably right. Anyone walking in can CLEARLY see me. After all, I’m not a small woman. And lots of people tend to come and go while I’m hiding, mainly Barre’, Bethany and McKenna. And then there’s Bella, my faithful companion, licking my face, demanding I rub her tummy. I might be reading a magazine or watching TV or snuggled up with McKenna. But all the while, I’m STILL hiding.

And what a BEAUTIFUL place to hide! In our new home, the master bedroom is just GORGEOUS! It’s huge and has this great tray ceiling and wonderful light/fan. The colors are soft and soothing. The sheets are worn down to an amazing softness. AAHH!!!!

But I am coming to realize that I have a life-long habit of “retreating” to my room. Looking back, I can see that I’ve done it my entire life. When I’m over-tired, I go to my room. When I’m mad and I REALLY don’t want to talk about it, I go to my room. When you’ve hurt me, and I need to lick my wounds, I go to my room. And I really don’t know why. I’m still waiting for the Lord to help me out with understanding this.

I DO know, though, that it has become a habit. And it’s one I guess I need to break. Sleep experts say you should only sleep or have sex in your bed. Really? What about Facebooking on my laptop? What about marathon episodes of “Criminal Minds?” What about “I just really, really, really want to be left alone”?

Hmmm. . . . BUT. . . I DO have a gorgeous living room, too, with nice, comfy furniture and a pretty fireplace. Maybe I can just start by moving out there. . . just for a start. . . while God works this out. . .


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